Your entire day-to-day banking needs in one app. Get your free virtual debit card immediately upon opening your account and spend away. Blink will deliver your card to your doorstep for free. Sending and receiving money has never been easier. What more? We’ve made borrowing accessible to everyone, issue your credit card instantly and shop online, it will only take minutes. Your credit card will be issued virtually and also delivered to you for free.
Make more time for yourself and your loved ones. Open your account in minutes now to unlock a unique digital experience and enjoy the benefits of Blink. We are paper, queue, and hassle-free!
Main benefits:
- Open your account digitally.
- Instant virtual debit card issuance upon account creation and free physical card delivery.
- Send and receive money instantly.
- Instant issuance of virtual credit card with free delivery of physical card.
- Cardless withdrawal and deposit.
- Online account and card statements.
- …much more to come.
Join our community now and start living with more!
With Blink #LiveWithMore.